Data processing input file API

These classes provide information about processing APBS output.

The top-level output summarizes or combines results from multiple calculations.

class apbs.input_file.process.Element(dict_=None, yaml=None, json=None)[source]

Bases: apbs.input_file.InputFile

Element of an arithmetic operation.

Objects can be initialized with dictionary/JSON/YAML data with a list of the following keys:

  • alias: alias for quantity on which to operate
  • coefficient: multiplicative coefficient for quantity (e.g., -1.0 to convert a sum to difference)

Return alias for object to which this element refers.

Raises:TypeError – if alias is not a string.

Return coefficient for this element.

Raises:TypeError – if not a number

Load object contents from dictionary.

Parameters:input (dict) – dictionary with object contents
Raises:KeyError – if dictionary elements missing

Parse JSON-format input string into this object.

Parameters:input (str) – JSON-format input string

Parse YAML-format input string into this object.

Parameters:input (str) – YAML-format input string
to_dict() → dict[source]

Produce dictionary representation of self.

to_json() → str

Produce JSON representation of self.

to_yaml() → str

Produce YAML representation of self.


Validate the object.

Raises:ValueError – if object is not valid
class apbs.input_file.process.Operation(dict_=None, yaml=None, json=None)[source]

Bases: apbs.input_file.InputFile

Generic arithmetic operation.

Objects can be initialized with dictionary/JSON/YAML data with the following keys:

  • alias: string for referring to the output of this operation elsewhere
  • elements: a list of elements for the operation; see Element for details

String for referring to the output of this operation elsewhere.

Raises:TypeError – if alias is not a string

List of Element objects for operation.

Raises:TypeError – if list contains objects not Element

Load object contents from dictionary.

Parameters:dict (dict) – dictionary with object contents
Raises:KeyError – if dictionary elements missing

Parse JSON-format input string into this object.

Parameters:input (str) – JSON-format input string

Parse YAML-format input string into this object.

Parameters:input (str) – YAML-format input string
to_dict() → dict[source]

Produce dictionary representation of self.

to_json() → str

Produce JSON representation of self.

to_yaml() → str

Produce YAML representation of self.


Validate object.

Raises:ValueError – if object contents are invalid
class apbs.input_file.process.Process(dict_=None, yaml=None, json=None)[source]

Bases: apbs.input_file.InputFile

Arithmetic operations for output from APBS energy/force calculations.

Objects can be initialized with dictionary/JSON/YAML data with the following keys:

  • sums: add elements together. This is a list of Operation objects.
  • products: multiply elements together. This is a list of Operation objects.
  • exps: element-wise exponentiation of elements. This is a list of Operation objects.

List of exponential Operation objects.

Raises:TypeError – if list contains something other than class:Operation objects

Populate object from dictionary.

Parameters:input (dict) – input information
Raises:KeyError – if elements are missing from the input dictionary

Parse JSON-format input string into this object.

Parameters:input (str) – JSON-format input string

Parse YAML-format input string into this object.

Parameters:input (str) – YAML-format input string

List of product Operation objects.

Raises:TypeError – if list contains something other than class:Operation objects

List of sum Operation objects.

Raises:TypeError – if list contains something other than class:Operation objects
to_dict() → dict[source]

Produce dictionary representation of self.

to_json() → str

Produce JSON representation of self.

to_yaml() → str

Produce YAML representation of self.


Validate contents of object.

Raises:ValueError – if invalid object encountered